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作者: 时间:2021-03-26 点击数:


序号 名 称 作者 时 间 发表刊物/出版社 备 注
1 Dynamical updating fuzzy rough approximations for hybrid data under the variation of attribute values 曾安平 2017.02 Information sciences 高质量论文,他引10
2 Rotation Invariant Texture Retrieval Considering the Scale Dependence of Gabor Wavelet 李朝荣 2015.08 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 高质量论文,他引12
3 The verification of force exerted on robotic capsule looped by magnet ring 阳万安 2015.03 International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 高质量论文
4 CDF Space Covariance Matrix of Gabor Wavelet with Convolutional Neural Network for Texture Recognition 李朝荣 2019.01 IEEE Access 高质量论文
5 A Fuzzy Rough Set Approach for Incremental Feature Selection in Fuzzy Sets and Systems Hybrid Syst- ems under the Variation of the Attribute Set 曾安平 2015.01 Fuzzy sets and systems 高质量论文,他引36
6 Compression and reconstruction algorithm of medical image based on compressed sensing 2015.12 Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 高质量论文
7 Marginal Distribution Covariance Model in Multiple Wavelet Domains for Texture Representation 李朝荣 2019.08 Pattern Recognition 高质量论文
8 Painting Psychotherapy Image Measurement and Reconstruction Algorithm based on Improved Hadamard Matrix 2020.11 American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology EI原刊
9 A Novel Wireless 5-D Electromagnetic Tracking System Based on Nine-Channel Sinusoidal Signals 阳万安 2020.07 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics SCI
10 Positioning accuracy improvement of automated guided vehicles based on a novel magnetic tracking approach 阳万安 2018.03 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
11 Effective Radius of Curvature and Rayleigh Length of Partially-Coherent Array Beams Passing Through Oceanic Turbulence 曾安平 2018.05 Journal of Russian Laser Research
12 Effect of anisotropic non-Kolmogorov turbulence on the evolution behavior of Gaussian Schell-model vortex beams 曾安平 2018.11 Optics Communications
13 Color Texture Image Retrieval Based on Gaussian Copula models of Gabor Wavelets 李朝荣 2016.11 Pattern Recognition
14 Super-resolution reconstruction for a single image based on self-similarity and compressed sensing 2018.05 Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology
15 Image fusion algorithm based on improved K-singular value decomposition and Hadamard measurement matrix 2018.08 Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology
16 高校数字媒体技术专业课程思政的教学改革探究——以《数字媒体技术导论》为例 蒲玲 2020.01.01 大众科技
17 媒介融合时代的跨媒体叙事生态分析 谢蔾蔓 2020.10.23 新闻传播
18 新媒体时代下数字媒体技术与当代艺术设计的融合思路窥探 谢蔾蔓 2020.08.05 传播力研究
19 高校党建带团建的“五带”探索与实践 万敏 202022 《智库时代》
20 新时代大学生消费行为分析与消费观引导 王利梅 2019.02 《智库时代》
21 SWOT视角下新建地方本科高校计算机类专业学生的就业分析 王利梅 2019.06 《产业与科技论坛》
22 新建地方本科高校大学生就业倾向调查及引导策略 王利梅 2019.09 《西部素质教育
23 全面从严治党视域下高校学生党员党性培育路径研究——以XX地方本科高校为例 王利梅 2020.11 《时代人物》
24 高校主题班会现状及策略探析——以某地方高校理工科专业为例 陈燕秋 2020.06.20 农家参谋
25 高校学生资助评议工作困境及策略初探 陈燕秋 2020.05.25 财富时代
26 疫情背景下高校主题班会的实施与探析 陈燕秋 2020.04.25 财富时代
27 文化自信背景下高校学生党建工作探索 陈燕秋 2020.12.01 休闲
28 新媒体时代高校学生干部培养路径探究——以某某高校为例 陈燕秋 2019.05.28 湖北开放职业学院学报
29 基于《程序设计基础》课程的混合式课堂教学方法研究与实践 游应德 2020.12 创新创业理论研究与实践

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